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Lucy Writes

Music for wellbeing

By February 7, 2022No Comments

This post isn’t a do or don’t essay about mental health (we see so much of that on blogs, in print, on social media and it is confusing), instead it is a quick message to remind you that if you are feeling a bit… y’know, have lost your sense of fun or are feeling a bit down, let me recommend something:


I don’t know about you but I have been feeling a little bit worn out and I guess you could say, a touch flat. I haven’t been worried about it and I am certain it has been due to a big mix of things; being a mum to 3 kids, the ups and downs of covid, the short cold days of winter and lack of sunlight and it made me start to think about trying to have more fun – I have been really missing it.

A friend of mine plays on keys in a ska band and he invited me along to a charity gig near Cambridge at the weekend so my sister and I went along. I had no expectations and kept thinking, it’s a night away from the kids – yesss! Well, it was just brilliant. I cannot shout loud enough about how good it was to see people dancing (loads of men, too), people singing, smiling and talented people on stage playing great music. Live music really does make you feel good, especially music that makes you want to have a boogie – my sister and I danced for 3-hours on Saturday night and I clocked up 22,000 steps!

Honestly, I am still feeling energised from my night out and it is Monday afternoon (thanks to Scooted and Booted and Big 10) and I have reminded myself, and you I hope, how good music is for the soul. Music really does make everything better and I still feel good after having a dance and spending time with people – because people matter, don’t they? I have certainly realised this during the pandemic. People and music matter.

If you can’t get to any gigs, set up a favourite songs playlist – press play – TURN IT UP LOUD and have a kitchen dance. You won’t regret it. Music definitely boosts your mood and improves your well-being.

L x

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Lucy Baker

Lucy Baker

Lincolnshire-based Lucy Baker is the founder of Geriatric Mum blog and mum to three children who are age 12, 10 and 3. Lucy had her last baby at 43-years-old - which is why this blog was born.

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