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Introducing Mums That Rave and an interview with DJ Nikki

By September 9, 2024No Comments

Back in July I went to London on my own to P.A.R.T.Y! Sounds brave doesn’t it? – actually it didn’t take any bravery at all, because I was going to an event where I knew I would feel safe and included. A year ago, I was on an all-female panel alongside some absolutely wonderful women and it ignited my passion for music and dancing again, it also ignited a love for Mums That Rave hosted by DJ Nikki Beatnik.

‘Back in the day’ raving was my life! Myself and friends used to be up all night long (Pleasuredome in Skegness anyone?!) and I loved nothing more than wearing hot-pants and Nike air max to dance for hours on end with huge crowds of people. Life went by and I forgot all about my love for dancing and for house/rave music. My raving and clubbing days pretty much fizzled out when I left University in the late 90s, to be replaced with gigs, pubs, restaurants and house parties. I am happy to share that the dancing drought didn’t last, having said that it did take a long time to find the right place to go.

Mums That Rave Panel Summer 2023. Photo Benjamin Thomas

Mums That Rave Panel Summer 2023. Photo Benjamin Thomas

What ignited the passion for me again? That’s easy, the answer is MUMS THAT RAVE. After being asked by Nikki to share my experience of being an older mum on the panel in 2023 at the 02 in London, something inside of me lit up. One of the main insights for me was comprehending how much good music and movement does for my well-being, and in addition to that, knowing that other women around me feel the same. It’s also that feeling of being with women who just ‘get it’, you know? Everyone at these parties just looks out for each other and that is gold. The format of a MTR event is arrive at 2pm and have a drink, then onto the panel talk or demo (summer party was a live fashion talk with models) and then Nikki hits the decks for around 2-hours and literally everyone dances!

Live fashion demo at Summer 2024 event / Trailer Happiness. Photo Thomas Morgan

A few weeks ago, before the chaos of the school summer holidays, I spoke to Nikki and asked her a few questions about Mums That Rave. So it is over to DJ Nikki Beatnik: DJ, Half of electronic duo Beatnik, Creative and Founder of Mums That Rave…

DJ Nikki. Photo Benjamin Thomas

Why did you set up Mums That Rave? 

Nikki: Why I founded Mums That Rave and why I have built the brand into what it is today are two different things. I founded it as a fleeting idea with another Mum at one of my other parties in London. I have a history of running club nights in London, creating nightlife culture, so I am incredibly passionate about nightlife, DJ culture & music, being a DJ and producer as my career. I have DJ’d all over the world for artists, festivals and brands like Beyonce & Jay Z, Guiseppe Zanoti, British Fashion Awards and tour DJ and music director to Kelis for two decades. So the idea of doing a cool party specifically for Mums was very appealing to me as I am a Mum, but I didn’t necessarily see representation of mothers like me. I always say “If You don’t see it, be it” right? Mums That Rave has since had 19 raves since 2019 and 35 million views on social media worldwide. As a woman in music, it was a hard enough career before kids, but it is absolutely brutal for Mums. Many women cannot continue, so I wanted to give Mums in music and beyond, in any industry actually, hope. Hope that life is not over once you have kids and you can still follow your own dreams, not only be there for everyone else’s needs. I encourage you to dress up, look fly, go out out and dance your hearts out to music that isn’t considered “Mumsy”. Ultimately ‘Mums That Rave’ the Rave is a metaphor for so many things us Mums need: community, a tribe, a sisterhood, fun, JOY, togetherness. Building the Mums That Rave brand has been exhausting, but it has now become a much bigger mission than just starting a party. There are close to 50,000 women and Mums following across the world on socials. It has taken a huge amount of work and consistency daily on social media to build the brand beyond a party into an online community but also throwing the actual parties is a ton of work,too. Often I am up at 5am finding stories for instagram or editing content before my son wakes up and before the school run, when I start my actual work in music. I always had my eye on the bigger picture and I always wanted for those Mums who maybe cannot make it to the London parties, to feel included and really understand the mission of Mums That Rave – to smash stereotypes of motherhood and have a truly safe space for us to RAVE, no bitching, no cliques and just 100% support for other women & Fire Music. Oh and Mums That Rave is a day party, so very safe for Mamas to get home and it is SO MUCH FUN!! You have never seen anyone go as hard as a Mum on a Saturday afternoon – away from the kids and having fun for herself.

The mum space is quite hard to crack, why do you think MTR has worked? 

Nikki: It has taken hard bloody graft, relentless optimism and daily joy. It is still the hardest market to promote a party to, most people that go out raving don’t have the responsibility of the family on their shoulders 24/7, so I always have to allow for kids getting chickenpox or the boiler breaking and Mamas not being able to come on a certain date due to a swim meet. However my whole ethos is this: Mums need some time and space for themselves and there is therapy in music, dancing and raving. It has always been my sanctuary – so I know it can offer the same for others. You could become a Mum at age 17, 18, 19 for example, and are you supposed to say “ok that’s it, I am done, I can’t go out any more?”. Women look amazing at all ages and if they love dancing and going out, why stop? It’s madness! The same rules and judgement doesn’t seem to apply to Dads does it? So my philosophy is this: You CAN rave with us. Everyone is welcome.  

Women often come to MTR parties alone – how has this happened? It’s rare!

Nikki: I have worked hard to make it the most welcoming space I can, and that message filters through every member of the Mums That Rave core crew and they pass on the vibes to the new Mums. I wanted to make it a 100% safe space for women as I have been through so many dangerous situations running clubs and parties and out on the road as a woman DJ over 3 decades, therefore I wanted to make it the antithesis of my experiences as a woman DJ. Many of the core Mums That Rave crew all came as solo-ravers and have stayed and formed amazing friendships. I tell newbies this all the time “oh you should totally come on your own, don’t wait on anyone else”. Also, if you have seen any of the videos on instagram, facebook or tiktok you will quickly see and feel the vibe. I can tell Mamas how amazing this space is until I am blue in the face, but the proof is in the Mums That Rave crew and the footage of women and mums living their best lives on the dance floor with the biggest smiles. It makes all the hard work worth it.

What are your plans for MTR across 2025 and beyond?

Nikki: More parties, maybe a podcast if I have time (it’s just me doing everything), more creative content…. I have so many ideas! Ideally I would like to tour Mums That Rave and take it to Ibiza, Dubai, America. Can you imagine a whole plane of Mamas en route to Mums That Rave Ibiza!!??

A massive shout out to Nikki for sharing that. Nikki is currently in Australia with Kelis and always very busy with work and her son – but always so friendly and obliging.

So, before Ibiza is a thing, come to the next Mums That Rave on Saturday 28 September – Trailer Happiness, Portobello Road, London. 2-6pm (the cocktails are amazing, in fact the whole place is!)


I loved talking to Nikki about MTR – she is soooo passionate about it and I promise you that comes across at each and every party. Not only is Nikki the nicest most welcoming person ever, the MTR events are inclusive, fun and the music is banging! I have been to two and will be there at the next one on Saturday 28 September – come too!

Nikki and I. Photo Thomas Morgan

A beautiful group of Mums That Rave! Summer 2024. Photo Thomas Morgan

One woman I met at the last summer party said to me, “it was so nice to dance and not worry about some guy pinching your bum!” – yessss! For me, the best part is the other women and the tunes – I have met so many interesting women and long may it continue.

Narinda and I. Photo Thomas Morgan

Juuuules! Photo Thomas Morgan

See you soon MTR crew!

Lucy x

Do not re-use photographs without permission from Benjamin Thomas or Thomas Morgan, Mums That Rave and Lucy Baker.

Lucy Baker

Lucy Baker

Lincolnshire-based Lucy Baker is the founder of Geriatric Mum blog and mum to three children who are age 12, 10 and 3. Lucy had her last baby at 43-years-old - which is why this blog was born.

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